Checkpoint identity agent windows 10 download

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Check Point dedicated client agent installed on Windows-based user endpoint computers. This Identity Agent acquires and reports identities to the Check Point. Deploying a Custom Identity Agent with the Captive Portal · In SmartConsole, open the Identity Awareness Gateway object. · Go to the Identity Awareness pane. No, you don’t need to purchase the OEM version. Download the sensor installation package version and above from the Defender for Identity console, which.

Downloading the Identity Collector – Implement Zero Trust Security

Based on the configuration, Publishers will share newly acquired user associations with this Subscriber. There are some virtual switches that can send traffic between hosts. Click Cancel. Defender for Identity analyzes the behaviors among users, devices, and resources, as well as their relationship to one another, and can detect suspicious activity and known attacks quickly.


Checkpoint identity agent windows 10 download

Check Point dedicated client agent installed on Windows-based user endpoint computers. This Identity Agent acquires and reports identities to the Check Point. Deploying a Custom Identity Agent with the Captive Portal · In SmartConsole, open the Identity Awareness Gateway object. · Go to the Identity Awareness pane.


Checkpoint identity agent windows 10 download


Note – Refer to the official NetIQ documentation. For example, use the ldapsearch command. In the Confirm password field, enter the password again. Fetch or manually add the branch es. Clear Use common group path for queries. In the Allowed authentication schemes section, select all the options. In the Users’ default values section: l Clear Use user template.

Click OK to close the New Domain window. When this occurs, the Identity Awareness Gateway does not know the domain and drops the association. The Alias feature of the Identity Collector resolves this issue. To enable Alias feature on the Identity Collector client computer: 1. Create a new configuration file:. Notes n There is no space between the equal sign and the name of the domain or the alias name.

Example: If the nickname of “something. Save the changes in the file. This capability is now available using Identity Collector. This capability was already available in AD Query and in R For groups membership updates it is disabled by default and must be activated manually using CLI.

This may have a performance impact. For improved performance the information about LDAP users and groups is cached by the Security Gateway so if the information about a current group is already cached the group update is not reflected until the cache is updated. By default the cache is updated every 15 minutes. Identity Collector Advanced Configuration 1. In the Identity Collector client, from the left navigation toolbar, click Settings. Make the Identity Collector Advanced Configuration.

Activity Logs the date and time of activities done in the Identity Collector. Identity to-live Reporti ng. Cache The cache saves associations username-to-IP address that the Identity time-to- Collector creates for a specified time.

The default is seconds, or 5 minutes. Ignore If you select this option, the Identity Collector does not send computer machine associations, only user associations. Ignore When Remote Desktop login occurs, 2 login events occur in the Domain RDP Controller with the same username, but different IP addresses: the events computer, from which login was made, and the computer, to which the login was made.

If you select this option this is the default , the Identity Collector ignores the IP address of the computer, from which login was made, because it is redundant. Clear Clears all the entries saved in the cache. The Identity Collector creates Cache new cache entries when it receives new associations. This value sets the interval, during which this occurs. The default is 1 minute. Time The default is minutes, or 12 hours. Logins n time Monitor. Cache The maximal time between two different login events by the same user or time-to- same computer that are treated as one Logins Monitor record.

Auto The interval of time, during which the user interface of the Logins Monitor refresh refreshes its view, when it requests an update of the users’ logins time records. Ignore When selected, the Logins Monitor tab only stores and shows the latest revoked login event both user and computer event for each IP address.

Domain Controller dynamically allocated ports. Identity Collector to Cisco Session subscribe. Identity Collector to Cisco Bulk session download. Identity Collector Optimization Exclude multi-user machines After the Identity Collector works for a while, you can check the number of multi-user computers, and add them to the Network Exclusion List.

Exclude service accounts After the Identity Collector works for a while, you can see how many service accounts there are, and add them to the Identity Exclusion List.

If you enable group consolidation, the Identity Awareness Gateway fetches the group even if it receives groups from the Identity Collector:. Web API clients can get an access to the Security Gateway, if they use networks connected to these interfaces. Through internal interfaces – Only Security Gateway interfaces that are explicitly defined internal, can accept connections from Web API clients. Important -The Through all interfaces and Through internal interfaces options have priority over Firewall Policy rules.

To configure authorized Web API client computers: a. Create an authentication secret for a selected Web API client: i. Select the Web API client in the list. Default Parameter Type Description value. Supports either IPv4 or IPv6, but not both. For example: Windows 7. Empty string. For example: Apple iOS device.

Best Practice – You must include the domain name whenever available, to make sure that the user is authorized by the correct server, improves performance and prevents incorrect authorization, when there are identical user names in more than one domain. Notes n The request must include user or computer information or both. The shared-secret and ip-address fields are mandatory. Requests that contain these characters fail. If not, there is no assignment of Access Roles and the request fails.

Because the gateway sends the response before the authorization process is complete, a successful response does not necessarily mean the gateway created the identity successfully.

This improves the information audit, but does not harm enforcement. Delete Identity v1. Default Parameter Type Description Value.

It can be empty for the deletion of a single Empty method association by an IP address. If not, then the permitted values are: mask – for the deletion of all associations in a subnet. Required when the revoke method is mask.

Empty IP. Empty mask IP. Required when the revoke method is Empty address- IP range. Any type If no value is set for the client-type parameter, or if it is set to any, the Security Gateway deletes all identities associated with the given IP address es the Client Type table has a list of the permitted values. Note – When the client-type is set to vpn remote access , the Security Gateway deletes all the identities associated with the given IP address es. This is because when you delete an identity associated with an Office Mode IP address, this usually means that this Office Mode IP address is no longer valid..

Required when the revoke-method is set to user- Empty name-and-ip. Query Identity v1. The Information includes these fields: n Users’ full names full name if available, falls back to user name if not n Array of groups n Array of roles n Identity source. Note – If more than one identity source authenticated the user, the result shows a separate record for each identity source.

Bulk Commands v1. To do this, send the bulk command with a requests array, in which each array element contains the parameters of one request. The response returns a responses array, in which each array element contains the response for one command. The responses appear in the order of the requests.

If the request fails, the JSON response body includes a code field, and the message field includes a textual description.

For bulk requests, the HTTP status code is always A granular error code is given for each of the requests. Make sure the API client can get an access to the gateway and that the gateway does not drop the traffic.

Contact Check Point Support. Selecting Identity Sources Identity sources have different security and environment considerations. Depending on your organization requirements, you can choose to set them separately, or as combinations that supplement each other. Logging and AD Query. The Browser-Based Authentication identity source is necessary to include all non-Windows users.

In addition, it serves as a fallback option, if AD Query cannot identify a user. Data Center, or The options are: internal server protection n AD Query and Browser-Based Authentication – When most users are desktop users not remote users and easy configuration is important.

Users that are not identified encounter redirects to the Captive Portal. The Captive Portal is used for distributing the Identity Agent. IP Spoofing protection can be set to prevent packets from being IP spoofed. Terminal Servers Terminal Servers. Users that get an Remote Access. These are the priorities of the different Identity Sources: 1. Remote Access 2. AD Query. When you set the AD Query option to get identities, you are configuring clientless employee access for all Active Directory users.

To enforce access options, create rules in the Firewall Rule that contain Access Role objects. An Access Role object defines users, computers and network locations as one object. Active Directory users that log in and are authenticated, get a seamless access to the resources that are based on Firewall rules. Thus, the Security Gateway policy permits access only from James’ desktop, which is assigned a static IP address He received a laptop and wants to get an access to the HR Web Server from anywhere in the organization.

The IT department gave the laptop a static IP address, but that limits him to operating it only from his desk.

He wants to move around the organization and continue to have access to the HR Web Server. To make this scenario work, the IT administrator does these steps: 1. This uses the identity acquired from AD Query. This can take some time and depends on user activity.

If James Wilson is not identified the IT administrator does not see the log , he should lock and unlock the computer. Install the policy.

Getting Identities with Browser-Based Authentication Browser-Based Authentication lets you acquire identities from unidentified users such as: n Managed users connecting to the network from unknown devices such as Linux computers or iPhones. If unidentified users try to connect to resources in the network that are restricted to identified users, they are automatically sent to the Captive Portal.

If Transparent Kerberos Authentication is configured, the browser attempts to identify users that are logged into the domain through SSO before it shows the Captive Portal. She wants to get an access to the internal Finance Web server from her iPad. But she can enter her AD credentials in the Captive Portal and then get the same access as on her office computer. Her access to resources depends on rules in the Firewall Rule Base. Necessary SmartConsole Configuration 1.

In the Portal Settings window in the User Access section, make sure that Name and password login is selected. Create a new rule in the Rule Base to let Linda Smith access network destinations. Select accept as the Action. Right-click the Action column and select More. Select Enable Identity Captive Portal. From the Source of the rule, right-click to create an Access Role.

Enter a Name for the Access Role. In the Users page, select Specific users and choose Linda Smith. In the Machines page, make sure that Any machine is selected. The Access Role is added to the rule. User Experience Jennifer McHanry does these steps: 1. Browses to the Finance server from her iPad. The Captive Portal opens because she is not identified and therefore cannot get an access to the Finance Server. She enters her usual system credentials in the Captive Portal.

A Welcome to the network window opens. She can successfully browse to the Finance server. This uses the identity acquired from Captive Portal. While they visit, the CEO wants to let them get an access to the Internet on their own laptops.

Amy, the IT administrator configures the Captive Portal to let unregistered guests log in to the portal to get network access. She makes a rule in the Rule Base to let unauthenticated guests get an access to the Internet only.

When guests browse to the Internet, the Captive Portal opens. Guests enter their name, company, email address, and phone number in the portal. They then agree to the terms and conditions written in a network access agreement. Afterward, they are given access to the Internet for a specified time.

In the Portal Settings window in the Users Access section, make sure that Unregistered guest login is selected. Click Unregistered guest login – Settings. Create an Access Role rule in the Rule Base, to let identified users get an access to the Internet from the organization: a.

Right-click Source and select Access Role. In the Users tab, select All identified users. Right-click the Action column and select Edit Properties.

The Action Properties window opens. Browses to an internet site from her laptop. The Captive Portal opens because she is not identified and therefore cannot get an access to the Internet. She enters her identifying data in the Captive Portal and reads through and accepts a network access agreement.

She can successfully browse to the Internet for a specified time. Amy, the IT administrator wants to leverage the use of Identity Agents so: n Finance users are automatically authenticated one time with SSO when they log in through Kerberos, which is built-in into Microsoft Active Directory.

She needs to configure: n Identity Agents as an identity source for Identity Awareness. No configuration is necessary on the client for IP spoofing protection. After configuration and policy install, users that browse to the Finance Web server get the Captive Portal and can download the Identity Agent. User Experience A Finance department user does this: 1. Browses to the Finance Web server. The Captive Portal opens because the user is not identified and cannot get an access to the server.

A link to download the Identity Agent is shown. The user clicks the link to download the Identity Agent. The user automatically connects to the Security Gateway. A window opens asking the user to trust the server. Note – The trust window opens because the user connects to the Identity Awareness Gateway, with the File name based server discovery option. There are other server discovery methods, in which user trust confirmation in not necessary see “Server Discovery and Trust” on page The user automatically connects to the Finance Web server.

The user can successfully browse to the internet for a specified time. Click the Browser-Based Authentication Settings button. Note – This configures Identity Agent for all users. Alternatively, you can set Identity Agent download for a specific group see ” Configuring an Identity Agent” on page Configure Kerberos SSO. In this scenario, the File Name server discovery method is used. The log entry shows that the system maps the source IP address with the user identity.

In this case, the identity is “guest” because that is how the user is identified in the Captive Portal. Amy, the IT administrator wants to leverage the use of the Terminal Servers solution so that: n Sales users are automatically authenticated with Identity Awareness when they log in to the Terminal Servers.

They work together in these procedures:. Logs and events display identity information for the traffic. Enable the Application Control blade on a Security Gateway. This adds a default rule to the Application Control Rule Base that allows traffic from known applications, with the tracking set to Log. User Identification in the Logs You can see data for identified users in the Logs and Events that relate to application traffic.

In addition, it shows Application Control data. Administrators can then analyze network traffic and security-related events better. The Log Server communicates with Active Directory servers. The Log Server stores the data extracted from the AD in an association map. When Security Gateway generate a Check Point log entry and send it to the Log Server, the server gets the user and computer name from the association map entry that corresponds to the source IP address of the event log.

It then adds this identity aware information to the log. Configure an Active Directory Domain. Install the database. Open the Log Server object. If you have not set up Active Directory, it is necessary to enter a domain name, username, password and domain controller credentials. For Browser- Based Authentication standard credentials are sufficient.

If it is necessary for AD Query to fetch data from other domain controllers, you must add them manually to the LDAP Servers list after you complete the wizard. Optional: In the Log Server object, go to the Identity Awareness page and configure the applicable settings. Installing the Database 1. In SmartConsole, go to Menu and click Install database.

Identity Awareness maps users and computer identities, allowing for access to be granted or denied based on identity. It can be easily and rapidly deployed on existing Check Point Security Gateways to seamlessly integrate with multiple identity sources. Identity Awareness Datasheet.

Absolute Zero Trust Whitepaper. Video: Identity Awareness Demo. Staying Safe in Times of Cyber Uncertainty. To see Packet Tagging logs in SmartConsole :.

The Successful status indicates that a successful key exchange happened. To enable IP Spoofing protection:. Make sure users have the Full Identity Agent installed. Identity Awareness Gateway. Active Directory domain controller. Making a high-level overview of the Identity Awareness authentication process.

A user logs in to a computer with credentials, and tries to get access to the Internal Data Center. The user sees the Captive Portal page, with a link to download the Identity Agent. The user downloads the Identity Agent from the Captive Portal and installs it. The Identity Awareness Gateway sends the connection to its destination. Synonym: Rulebase.

Account Settings Logout. All Files. Click OK. Item Description 1 User that is trying to connect to the internal network 2 Identity Awareness Gateway 3 Active Directory domain controller 4 Internal network Making a high-level overview of the Identity Awareness authentication process A user logs in to a computer with credentials, and tries to get access to the Internal Data Center.

The user is authenticated. Knowledge Base. Security Awareness. Join the Community. Mind Training. Hacking Point. Cyber Range. Jump Start. Installation Elements. Resident application. Installation permissions. The generated events include event logs and authentication events. The amounts vary according to the applications running in the network. Programs that have many authentication requests result in a larger amount of logs. The observed bandwidth range varies between 0.

When a group is nested in another group, users in the nested group are identified as part of the parent group. The default nesting depth is configured to This feature is enabled by default.

Perform standard network diagnostics as required. Enter wbemtest. For example: ad. Enter a password for the user. Click Connect. If the connection fails, or you get an error message, check for these conditions: Connectivity “Connectivity Issues” on page 49 problems Incorrect domain administrator credentials on page Domain administrator Credentials To verify your domain administrator credentials: 1.

In the Logon window, enter your domain administrator user name and password. If the domain controller root directory appears, this indicates that your domain administrator account has sufficient privileges.

An error message may indicate that: a If the user does not have sufficient privileges, this indicates that he is not defined as a domain administrator. Obtain a domain administrator credentials.

Check and retry. Enter services. Find the Windows Management Instrumentation service and see that the service started. If it did not start, right-click this service and select Start. Save the policy and install it on Security Gateways. Confirm that Security Event Logs are Recorded If you have checked connectivity “Connectivity Issues” on page 49 but still do not see identity information in logs, make sure that the necessary event logs are being recorded to the Security Event Log.

If the domain controller does not generate these events by default they are generated , refer to Microsoft Active Directory documentation for instructions on how to configure these events. Install Database for a Log Server If you have configured Identity Awareness for a log server, but do not see identities in logs, make sure you installed the database. To install the database: 1. The Install Database window appears. Select the computers to install the database on. The Install Database script shows.

Click Close when the script is done. This includes changes to the text strings shown on the Captive Portal Network Login page. You can make changes to the default English language or edit files to show text strings in other languages.

The changes are saved in the database and can be upgraded. To configure other languages to show text strings in a specified language on the Captive Portal, you must configure language files. These language files are saved on the Security Gateway and cannot be upgraded.

If you upgrade the Security Gateway, these files must be configured again. This mode lets you view the string IDs used for the text captions. Reload the Captive Portal in your web browser. The Captive Portal opens showing the string IDs. To revert to regular viewing mode, open the file L10N. See the highlighted text in step number 2 above. Click Configure. Install the policy. After you set the language selection list, users can choose the language they prefer to log in with from a list at the bottom of the page.

To configure a language for Captive Portal you must: 1. Edit the language array for the new language locale. Use the English language file as a template to create new language files. Then translate the strings in the new language file. Save the files with UTF-8 encoding and move them to the correct location. Set the language selection list to show on the Network Login page. Make sure the text strings are shown correctly. Editing the Language Array The supported language file contains entries for languages that you can see in the list on the Captive Portal page.

By default, English is the only language entry in the list. It has a corresponding language file. For each new language, you must create an entry in the supported languages file and create a new language file. To create a new language, add an entry to the supported languages file: 1.

To disable a language: Comment out the line of the specific language or delete the line. The file contains the message strings. It is not necessary to translate all strings, but you must include all strings in the new language file. When you translate a string, make sure that the string’s length is almost the same in size as the initial English string.

This is important to prevent breaks in the page layout. If this is not possible, consult with technical support. To create a new language file: 1.

Translate the strings in the new language file. Make sure that the read permissions for the new language file are the same as those for the original language file. To save a file with UTF-8 encoding: 1. When using Microsoft Word, save the file as a ‘.

Showing the Language Selection List When you only use the English language, the language selection list does not show at the bottom of the Captive Portal Network Login page. When you configure additional languages, you must show the language selection list on the Network Login page. Captive Portal users can then select the language with which to log in. To see the language list on the Network Login page: 1.

Back up the file for possible future revert. Save the file. The language selection list will show on the Network Login page. To revert back to not showing the language selection list, replace the current file with the backup of the original file. Browse to the Captive Portal and select the new language. Browse from different operating systems with different locale setups.

Make sure that the text is shown correctly on the Captive Portal pages. Browse to the Captive Portal from a different browser and use a different font size. Server Certificates For secure SSL communication, gateways must establish trust with endpoint computers by showing a Server Certificate. This section discusses the procedures necessary to generate and install server certificates.

Check Point gateways, by default, use a certificate created by the Internal Certificate Authority on the Security Management Server as their server certificate. Browsers do not trust this certificate.

When an endpoint computer tries to connect to the gateway with the default certificate, certificate warning messages open in the browser. To prevent these warnings, the administrator must install a server certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority. All portals on the same Security Gateway IP address use the same certificate. This certificate can be issued directly to the gateway, or be a chained certificate that has a certification path to a trusted root certificate authority CA.

The CSR is for a server certificate, because the gateway acts as a server to the clients. Note – This procedure creates private key files. If private key files with the same names already exist on the computer, they are overwritten without warning.

From the gateway command line, log in to expert mode. You see this output: Generating a bit RSA private key writing new private key to ‘server1. Enter a password and confirm. Fill in the data. The Common Name field is mandatory. This is the site that users access. For example: portal. All other fields are optional. Send the CSR file to a trusted certificate authority.

Keep the. Get the Signed Certificate for the gateway from the CA. Usually you get the certificate chain from the signing CA.

Sometimes it split into separate files. If the signed certificate and the trust chain are in separate files, use a text editor to combine them into one file. Make sure the server certificate is at the top of the CRT file. All portals on the same IP address use the same certificate.

Install the policy on the gateway. It does not affect the certificate installed manually using this procedure. Viewing the Certificate To see the new certificate from a Web browser: The Security Gateway uses the certificate when you connect with a browser to the portal.

To see the certificate when you connect to the portal, click the lock icon that is next to the address bar in most browsers. The certificate that users see depends on the actual IP address that they use to access the portal- not only the IP address configured for the portal in SmartDashboard. SSO in Windows domains works with the Kerberos authentication protocol. The Kerberos protocol is based on the concept of tickets, encrypted data packets issued by a trusted authority, Active Directory AD.

When a user logs in, the user authenticates to a domain controller that gives an initial ticket granting ticket TGT. This ticket vouches for the user’s identity. In this solution, when an unidentified user is about to be redirected to the Captive Portal for identification: 1.

Captive Portal asks the browser for authentication. The browser shows a Kerberos ticket to the Captive Portal. The Identity Server decrypts the ticket, extracts the user’s identity, and publishes it to all Security Gateways with Identity Awareness.

The authorized and identified user is redirected to the originally requested URL. If transparent automatic authentication fails steps , the user is redirected to the Captive Portal for identification. If the Security Gateway does not have a certificate, the user sees, and must respond to, the certificate warning message before a connection is made.

They are described in details in this section. Endpoint client configuration – Configuring trusted sites in the browsers. Creating a New User Account 1. Add a new user account. You can choose any username and password. For example: a user account named ckpsso with the password to the domain corp. Clear User must change password at next logon and select Password Never Expires. A Kerberos principal name contains a service name for the Security Gateway that browsers connect to and the domain name to which the service belongs.

Installing setspn. The setspn. Get the correct executable for your service pack from the Microsoft Support site before installation.

It is part of the Windows support tools. Download the support. Run the suptools. Run the command prompt as an Administrator. Important – If you used the setspn utility before, with the same principal name, but with a different account, you must delete the different account or remove the association to the principal name.

To use setspn: 1. All parameters are case sensitive. Do not do the first steps. To configure an account unit: 1. Enter a name and IP address for the AD object. We recommend that you enter the domain for existing account units to use for Identity Awareness.

Fetch the fingerprint and click OK. Enabling Transparent Kerberos Authentication 1. From the Network Objects tree, expand the Check Point object. Double-click the gateway enabled with Identity Awareness.

Select Browser-Based Authentication – Settings. The Portal Settings window opens. Select Authentication Settings – Edit. The Authentication Settings window opens. Select Automatically authenticate users from machines in the domain. Open Internet Explorer. Use this procedure only if you did not configure Internet Explorer for Transparent Kerberos Authentication. Open Chrome. Click the menu wrench icon and select Settings. Click Show advanced settings. In the Network section, click Change Proxy Settings.

Firefox For Firefox, the Negotiate authentication option is disabled by default. To use Transparent Kerberos Authentication, you must enable this option.

To configure Firefox for Transparent Kerberos Authentication: 1. Open Firefox. In the URL bar, enter about:config 3. Search for the network.

You can enter multiple URLs by separating them with a comma. This section describes recommended deployments with Identity Awareness. Deploy the Security Gateway at the perimeter where it protects access to the DMZ and the internal network.

The perimeter Security Gateway also controls and inspects internal traffic going to the Internet. Data Center protection If you have a Data Center or server farm separated from the users’ network, protect access to the servers with the Security Gateway.

Deploy the Security Gateway in front of the Data Center. All traffic is inspected by the Security Gateway. Control access to resources and applications with an identity-based access policy. Deploy the Security Gateway in bridge mode to protect the Data Center without significant changes to the existing network infrastructure. Large scale enterprise deployment In large networks, deploy multiple Security Gateways.

For example: deploy a perimeter Firewall and multiple Data Centers. Install an identity-based policy on all Identity Awareness Security Gateways. The Security Gateways share user and computer data of the complete environment.

Network segregation The Security Gateway helps you migrate or design internal network segregation. Identity Awareness lets you control access between different segments in the network with an identitybased policy.

Deploy the Security Gateway close to the access network to avoid malware threats and unauthorized access to general resources in the global network. Distributed enterprise with branch offices For an enterprise with remote branch offices connected to the headquarters with VPN, deploy the Security Gateway at the remote branch offices.

When you enable Identity Awareness on the branch office Security Gateway, users are authenticated before they reach internal resources. The identity data on the branch office Security Gateway is shared with other Security Gateways to avoid unnecessary authentication.

Wireless campus Wireless networks have built-in security challenges. To give access to wirelessenabled corporate devices and guests, deploy Identity Awareness Security Gateways in front of the wireless switch. Install an Identity Awareness policy. You usually use this mode when you deploy the Security Gateway at the perimeter. In this case, the Security Gateway behaves as an IP router that inspects and forwards traffic from the internal interface to the external interface and vice versa.

Both interfaces should be located and configured using different network subnets and ranges. Transparent mode Known also as a “bridge mode”. This deployment method lets you install the Security Gateway as a Layer 2 device, rather than an IP router. The benefit of this method is that it does not require any changes in the network infrastructure. It lets you deploy the Security Gateway inline in the same subnet.

This deployment option is mostly suitable when you must deploy a Security Gateway for network segregation and Data Center protection purposes. Deploying a Test Environment If you want to evaluate how Identity Awareness operates in a Security Gateway, we recommend that you deploy it in a simple environment.

The recommended test setup below gives you the ability to test all identity sources and create an identity-based Policy. The recommendation is to install 3 main components in the setup: 1. User host Windows 2.